
Simplify, consolidate & save on a platform that works for you.

Access a full range of investment options that includes direct Australian and International equities, thousands of managed funds, and Separately Managed Account offerings.

Streamline the process and maximise client opportunities.

Streamline the process and maximise client opportunities.

We take the time to understand your business and client needs, to design a platform solution to suit your clients, advice process and practice needs.

A powerful combination of experience, expertise and Technology

Whether you are building wealth for the future or want to know whether you have enough funds to retire on, at Fiducian, we know that whatever your financial situation, investment objectives or experience, by providing you with quality financial advice, we could significantly improve your situation.

  • We help experienced, ambitious, dedicated financial planners find a working environment of like-minded professionals where they can thrive and profitably grow.

  • A diverse and quality investment menu

  • Client and practice management tools

  • Rebalancing/transact client portfolios

  • Wide range of client portfolio reports

A Quality Platform Service that helps you Work smarter

With a full suite of technical and practice tools, the Auxilium platform helps you automate many manual tasks that are involved in implementing and servicing advice. This enables you to spend more time seeing clients, working on your business and having a balanced personal lifestyle.

Scale your business and set a strong foundation for it to be successful in all market conditions.

Auxilium Platform Benefits

Simplify & consolidate

Simplify & consolidate

We provide simplicity, convenience and efficiency, giving you and your clients a high level of capability without the complexity.



Flexible and modular, the Auxilium platform delivers all the capabilities a financial adviser expects from a good quality, efficient portfolio and practice management system with a wide range of client reports.



Manage your client investments using a sophisticated set of portfolio and transaction tools, so you can maximise client outcomes and transact with confidence.

Full range of Investments

Full range of Investments

Access a full range of investment options that includes direct Australian and International equities, thousands of managed funds, and Separately Managed Account offerings.

Auxilium Products

Discover more and start your future in investing.

Auxilium Superannuation Service

Auxilium Superannuation Service

The Service allows you to accumulate your superannuation savings and obtain a pension in retirement. Investing in superannuation can help you generate a flexible, tax effective income stream during retirement. Offering a wide range of investment options, including managed funds, managed share portfolios, term deposits and a cash option, the Auxilium Superannuation Service enables you to develop an investment strategy that is appropriate for your circumstances, age and stage in life. The Service also makes available personal insurance to help protect you and your family should you not be able to work, become disabled or die.

Auxilium Investment Service

Auxilium Investment Service

The Auxilium Investment Service is a streamlined investment service designed to help you build wealth. The Service offers a wide range of investment options to help you meet your financial objectives. It also offers administrative ease, competitive pricing and consolidated reporting.

Auxilium Managed Portfolio Service

Auxilium Managed Portfolio Service

The Product offers investments through different styles of portfolio. Each style will be dependent on the investment manager that you select. Investment styles may focus on a particular type of security, like Australian or International shares, or an investment sector, such as property securities.

Key Features


Investment range

Access a full range of investment options that includes direct Australian and International equities, thousands of managed funds and Separately Managed Account offerings.

Fee structure

Together, we design a fee structure that works for your clients, advisers and practice.

Manage cash accounts

Select cash levels to automatically trigger investment of surplus cash and sell investments when cash is required.

Rebalance & transact

Select to switch or re-balance individual or bulk client portfolios.

Create a SMA or model portfolio

Select from a wide range of SMAs and model portfolios or simply create them.

Data feeds & external software integration

Data feeds to external software with the convenience of customisation to suit adviser requirements.

Business reporting

Snapshot your business performance with reporting for FUM by adviser, product or client segment, fees, asset performance and pending transactions.

Notifications & tasks

Keep up to date with important client activities with tasks and notifications. View due dates, pending investments, applications and more.

Cash transaction listing

Drill down views of every transaction. See rollovers, contributions, dividends and other transactions in real-time.

Client Reports & reviews

Access a range of reports and charts, Run reports for funds under management, investment fact sheets, personal and transaction details, Tailor reports for individual or bulk queries.

eSignature & online applications

Make things easier for your clients, Complete applications completely online with our eSignature tool.

Online Functionality

Give your clients the functionality to view their holdings, performance reports and tax statements.

Enhanced customer experience

Give your clients the real-time access they expect with Fiducian’s online client portal. Here they can view holdings, account performance, tax statements and confirm transactions.

Access anytime, anywhere

Provide anywhere access for your clients to view their portfolio and reports.

Client reports & reviews

Access and tailor a range of reports and charts.

Maximise client outcomes

Maximise client outcomes

Review portfolio performance, asset allocation or account snapshots with detailed client portfolio views.

Start with Auxilium

Our BDMs can help you explore our platform solutions and financial planning software.

Start with Auxilium

Next Steps

Book a demo today!

Book a demo today!

Organise a quick demonstration of some of the key features of our platform.

Talk to a BDM

Talk to a BDM

Robert Koorey: 0466 214 928

Dasitha De Silva: 0480 699 852

Subscribe to our newsletter

Our newsletter contains informative news and articles to keep our clients up to date on the latest in financial planning strategies, superannuation, economic and market updates.

Information on this website is intended to be general information only and does not constitute investment or financial product advice. It does not take into account any person’s objectives, financial situation or needs. You should conduct your own investigation or consult a financial adviser, and consider the relevant Target Market Determination (TMD) and Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) before making a decision about whether to acquire or continue to hold any financial product.

The Auxilium Superannuation Service is a sub-fund of the Fiducian Superannuation Fund (Fund), and is issued by Fiducian Portfolio Services Limited ABN 13 073 845 931, AFSL 231101 as the Trustee of the Fund, ABN 57 929 339 093, SPIN FPS0101AU. Fiducian Investment Management Services Limited ABN 28 602 441 814 AFSL 468211 operates the Auxilium Investment Service (IDPS) and is the Responsible Entity for the Auxilium Managed Portfolio Service.

Level 4, 1 York Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia, GPO Box 4175, Sydney NSW 2001 Australia Telephone: +61 (02) 8298 4600.

Copyright © 2022 Fiducian Group Limited ABN 41 602 423 610. Fiducian Financial Services Pty Ltd ABN 46 094 765 134 AFS Licence No. 231103